Friday, September 26, 2014

Opening Night Jitters and some truth telling!

Ok so here is Isadora

I recently submitted her into a local Art Exhibition. But
before I go any further I have to confess some truths.

1) when applying fixative to her, some drops of the fixative
beaded and ended up making a mess of some of her hair, 
feathers, mask and body. This was after spending hours
and hours working on her. Only to be ruined in several 
minutes. And of course not realising that I was making a mess
until after I had bought her inside......

 ----  Cue major  melt down ---

My cheer leading team (aka hubby and kids) kept 
reassuring me that it was fine and I would be able to fix it.


BUT thanks to my wonderfully skilled main man, 
between the two of us, we managed to fix her in time
for the exhibition. So that was the first hurdle.

2) The night before drop off for the exhibiton (hubby was doing 
the drop off for me as I had to work), he asked me for the details 
of where to go etc etc. He was looking at the entry form and said - 
"you know she's bigger than the allowance don't you". 
yes I'm one of those people who gets her feet, inches
cms arse about and confused all the time.

------ Cue second major melt down -----

After wiping the second lot of tears away, I had decided
that if they didn't accept her, it just wasn't meant to be.

Well they accepted her! YAY!!

3) Opening night arrives and we get all tizzied up and make our
way down to the event. I started wondering around to check out all of the
artwork and the first thing I noticed was that all of the
 paintings seemed to be framed and behind glass. Not that that's a biggie right....
Second thing I noticed was that 99.9% of the paintings were of a 
traditional nature. Again nothing wrong with that, but of course
I start second guessing myself and thinking  well they've 
obviously hidden mine down the back because it stands out like the
 preverbial and they probably hate it! Well I was right with some
of that statement. It was down the back, but actually it was in a better
light, than a lot of the other works. So big tick for me.
 Secondly, I won an award! 


Highly Commended for my Medium - Mixed Media. 

So after all of those tears that were shed
and all of the drama of thinking there is
no way in this world she was going to get there, 
she did. and she did me proud.

Sorry for the dorky stance... I never know how to stand or behave at
these sorts of events. And my smile looks so fake. Even though
I was super duper happy. I just wasn't reflected in this photo.

SO thank you for being patient and reading
to the end of this blog post.
As always
Thank you for popping by

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