Well we have quickly settled back into the day to day after our fabulous holiday - can I hear an Uggggggggggghhh, and with work being at it's busiest, I have not had time to paint.
So I've channelled my creativity into another area. Using some of my backgrounds
motivational posters.
Here's my latest
This quote sings out to me at the moment, because I really want to get a tattoo.
My passion is my family and art and I really
would love it to incorporate both.
But there are four reasons why I haven't yet -
1) I'm a big ole chicken and don't like pain
2) Can't settle on exactly the design I want
3) what if I dont like whatever I get inked
in a years time and regret it, or worse still want
to have it removed, which I believe is more painful
than the application part!
4) Will it look ridiculous on me??
So dear reader, if you happen to stumble across
a great design or words that you feel would
fit with what I am after (I have done loads of research on
confused, or you have some words of
wisdom about tattoo's... I am all ears.
Please feel free to leave a comment.
As always thanks for taking the time
to pop by my little blog